Advice to influence active and sustainable travel adoption by residents of a new development in Winchester is being provided by Motion. The company was commissioned by Berkeley Homes Southern Limited to produce the Travel Plan for the approved Knights Quarter development. Situated half a mile from the city centre on the site of the former
A well-respected figure in the Thames Valley property development sector, Director Laura Fitzgerald has successfully steered transport and highways negotiations on behalf of public and private clients. Insight caught up with her to discuss current and future challenges.
Considering the delivery and servicing needs of sensitive sites in and around London is a regular challenge for Motion. As cities expand, providing adequate provision for delivery and servicing activity for new developments from the outset can help to minimise disruption and the environmental impact, such as increased congestion and noise pollution.
Tackling technical issues as early as possible can strengthen development proposals and maximise a scheme’s chances of a more straightforward journey through the planning process. In a recent application in Surrey, Motion was able to bring drainage, flood-risk and transport expertise to Earlswood Homes’ team of consultants, helping the housebuilder to gain approval for its