Flood Risk
Our experts offer guidance on flood risk, flood risk mitigation, resilience and resistance to help safeguard the natural environment and private property
Flooding puts people’s homes, businesses, wellbeing and livelihoods at risk. Damaging floods are becoming more prevalent due to extreme weather patterns caused by long-term global climate change.
The need for a Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) is currently a planning requirement under the NPPF. We have considerable experience in supporting developers on how best to manage flood risk from the conception stage through to construction.
We are able to guide you through the process to protect your project. We do so by ensuring objectives are met while satisfying Environment Agency (EA) and Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) criteria.
We also provide strategic advice and guidance to Internal Drainage Boards (IDBs) and other water-level management organisations.
How we can assist your project:
Property development
- Flood Risk Assessments to support planning applications
- Fluvial and coastal flood susceptibility and feasibility assessments
- Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) Assessments to support planning applications
- Foul and surface water drainage strategies
- Preparing exception tests and supporting sequential tests
- Establishing level for level flood compensation measures
- Support for Environmental Statement (ES)
- Undertaking Flood Evacuation Plans (FEP)
- Design of flood protection schemes
Land drainage
- Data collection and survey
- Hydraulic and drainage modelling and channel/catchment analysis
- Drainage network maintenance and improvements – strategic rhines, storage ponds, hydraulic structures
- Diversion of water courses and pumping station design, including eel-friendly measures, equipment specification and telemetry systems
- Procurement and contract management services