Straight answers to roundabout questions

The commercial viability of any development can be dramatically influenced by the amount of land required for enabling highways works. Where roundabouts need to be built or improved, it is essential to provide the optimum design, to avoid the use of third party land.

According to Motion’s Managing Director Phil Bell, there is no right or wrong approach when it comes to roundabout design – it all comes down to experience. But a few guiding principles will assist developers and planners. TD 16/07 covers the geometric design of roundabouts. Departures from this guidance are usually at the discretion of the highway authority.

Key considerations
Phil Bell maintains, “The roundabout design needs to consider minimising the delay for vehicles but also the safety of road users. Location may be the main constrain on designing improvements to a junction, especially in built up areas.”

The choice of roundabout type is determined by a number of factors:
– type of approach road (single or dual carriageway or grade separated) speed limit on the approach roads
– traffic flow levels
– levels of non-vehicular flows
– extent of land-take

For an impartial discussion about your access issues, why not give us a call on 01483 531300.

This article first appeared in the Autumn 2014 issue of Insight.

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