Transport Planning
Transport planning has been at the heart of our business since the day we started
Today, we provide specialist transportation, highways and traffic advice to a diverse collection of clients.
We’re known for projects that range from small housing projects to large residential schemes, major business premises and high-rise buildings. A big focus of our work is on electric vehicle charging provision and we’ve also teamed up with energy innovators to help deliver energy, mobility and community hubs for new residential developments. From the retail, commercial and distribution sectors to renewable energy, education, healthcare and sports/leisure, our specialists will work hard to help you plan and deliver your transport and travel strategies.
How we can assist your project:
Feasibility studies
- Transport policy research
- Site analysis and feasibility appraisals
- Preliminary access and highway designs
- Traffic impact analysis
- Collaborative master-planning
Development planning
- Development plan representations
- Accessibility analysis
Pre-application stage
- Access arrangements
- Parking provision and design for electric vehicle charging
- Servicing layouts
- Cycling and pedestrian routes
- Transport data collection
- Local and micro-simulation traffic modelling
- Public consultation
Application stage
- Transport assessments and statements
- Environmental assessment support
- Construction logistics plans
- Delivery and servicing management plans
- Car park management plans
- Provisional highway, traffic management and road safety designs
Post-application stage
- Negotiation with Local Authorities
- Committee meeting support
- Stopping up
- Support with planning appeals
Additional services
- Provision of an expert witness
- Peer review of documentation
- Multi-mode travel analysis and research