Transport challenges tackled in drive to build a sustainable Surrey

To help shape a long-term vision for Surrey, Motion has joined forces with regional developers, landowners, promoters, policymakers and other consultants with an interest in the area’s development and prosperity. 

The Surrey Development Forum was set up to improve collaboration, particularly around discussions about the Surrey 2050 Place Ambition, a 30-year vision for the county.  The Forum places climate change at its heart, bringing together stakeholders to facilitate creative thinking around the topic of sustainable growth.

Motion is the sole transport planning member and has represented the interests of the group in two key consultations – Surrey County Council’s draft Local Transport Plan 4 and the Department for Transport’s third Road Investment Strategy.

Some of the key challenges in the region include releasing network pinch points, unblocking stalled improvement schemes and better coordination of transport modelling.  Responses to the consultations addressed a wide range of topics including modal shift and demand management initiatives, walkable neighbourhoods, electric vehicle charging and local community hubs to facilitate micromobility options.

Director, Andrew Whittingham, says, “The changing requirements of residents and businesses and transport shortcomings in the area, need to be met by closer alignment of infrastructure with local plans and National Highways projects on the Strategic Road Network.  This will help to ensure timely delivery of smart and sustainable projects promoting good development.” 


An abridged version of this article first appeared in the Summer 2022 edition of Insight.

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