Safer access for improved cancer care facility

A new access road is being developed for staff, service vehicles and public transport at The Royal Marsden in Sutton, after work by Transport Planning & Infrastructure (TPI), to enable the development of a Maggie’s Centre. Street parking and highway safety concerns were addressed through active engagement with local residents. TPI helped create a design that maximised the benefits for The Royal Marsden and the community.

TPI managed the project, from the initial design phase to the granting of planning permission, acting as agent for the application. The company prepared a number of design options at the feasibility phase before proceeding with a revised internal site layout, making use of the existing priority junction onto Cotswold Road.

The improvements will make travelling to the site easier for employees and visitors. Access to The Institute of Cancer Research, located east of The Royal Marsden, will also be substantially enhanced. The new access road will run close to the site’s northern boundary, eliminating two sharp and narrow bends to provide a much improved environment.

This article first appeared in the Winter 2017/18 issue of Insight

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