Motion’s Richard Bettridge explains how an area worth several millions of pounds of annual economic activity has been protected from flooding by his work over a quarter of a century with the Lower Severn Internal Drainage Board. Q: What is the most exciting aspect of your work with the Lower Severn Internal Drainage Board? RB:
From April 2015 all major new developments need Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) for the management of run-off. Motion’s Director Jerry Muscroft says, “The long term impact and requirements of maintaining SuDS need to be established at an early stage of the project. Early consultation with the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) is becoming vital to
Kingston University will benefit from new student accommodation adjacent to its main site on Penrhyn Road. Planning consent was granted for the development, which comprises 89 ensuite rooms, communal lounges and kitchen areas. Approximately 400 square metres of retail space fronting the main road will be occupied by a convenience supermarket. The proposals will help
Major proposals to redevelop Stratford Island in East London have been given the go-ahead by Newham Council. The scheme, near the 2012 Olympic site and upmarket Westfield Shopping Centre will transform the area, creating a new gateway for the town centre. It will offer 587 new homes across three buildings, including one refurbished former office