Transport evidence puts brakes on harmful development

Bicester Village Retail Outlet Centre is a major Oxfordshire tourist destination, attracting approximately five million visitors a year. Managers of the site, Value Retail Ltd, became concerned that proposals for a nearby retail park would have a detrimental impact on the local highway network. Motion’s evidence was key to the Planning Inspectorate’s decision to refuse
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E’s the way to go

The increasingly popular sport of Formula E motor racing returned to London in July 2016, when the city hosted the final two events of this year’s FIA Formula E Championships. ‘E’ stands for ‘electric’, as only electric-powered cars can be driven in the race. Unlike Formula 1, Formula E tracks tend to be city street
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Visibility splays – what every property developer should know

Visibility splays play an important role in the design of an access or junction. According to Motion’s Phil Bell, “they are undoubtedly the most important safety component of any priority junction”. Visibility splays enable drivers on a side road to see vehicles approaching on the major road. They also allow drivers on the major road
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Slowing the flow – a holistic approach to flood protection

Current planning regulations require the attenuation of flows from new development, irrespective of the location of the site within the catchment. Motion Director Richard Bettridge argues for three improvements to flood risk management strategies in relation to new schemes. Sites near the seaside have needed measures to attenuate surface runoff, when it may be better
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