All planning applications exceeding 150 residential units, 7,500 square metres of floorspace or five hectares of site land now need to comply with guidance issued by the new statutory consultee, Active Travel England (ATE). Director Andrew Whittingham takes stock and reflects on the impact, four months after publication of the new guidance.
Drainage expert and Motion Consultant, Richard Bettridge, sets out why urgent investment in infrastructure is the key to unlocking new homes and protecting the local environment.
As part of its commitment to support the next generation of property development professionals, this summer Motion has welcomed two interns into the transport planning teams in its Reading and Guildford offices. Vicky Barnard and Aimee Conway have gained practical experience at the coal face of the planning application process. In return, Motion has benefitted
From June 2023, Active Travel England (ATE) is the new formal consultee for all planning applications exceeding 150 residential units, 7,500 square metres of floorspace or five hectares of site land. ATE’s objective is for 50% of trips in England’s towns and cities to be walked, wheeled or cycled by 2030, enabling users to make