Maximising development potential

Strategic transportation and infrastructure advice has added weight to the debate about how to maximise the developable area within a 104 hectare scheme south of Witney. Plans for the Oxfordshire site include the construction of 1,100 homes and a two-form entry primary school and local centre.

Motion is providing a comprehensive range of services to David Wilson Homes and Abbey Homes to help promote the site for inclusion within the emerging West Oxfordshire District Council Local Plan. Sian Keeling from David Wilson Homes explains, “The Motion team was able to quickly grasp the complex issues associated with the project. Through early involvement, the company has been able to provide innovative and practicable solutions to meet the transportation and drainage challenges.”

The support includes strategic transportation planning advice, which has identi­fied an access strategy for the site. The team also developed a sustainable drainage strategy that will maximise the developable area and accommodate the impact of climate change on rainfall intensities.

Early engagement
Motion Director Jerry Muscroft notes, “There is a growing requirement to incorporate sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) into all new development proposals. The integration of SuDS needs to be carefully considered in order to manage surface runoff in a sustainable, economic and environmental manner.” Jerry continues, “Early engagement with the master planners is essential to develop a SuDS strategy that is sympathetic to the environment and meets the needs of the new local community.”

According to Technical Director James Bancroft, “The main transport issues were connectivity and highway impact. We have explored the potential to provide a Park and Ride facility at this site with Stagecoach. Motion has designed a bridge that will ensure the site is well integrated with the existing community.” James adds, “The park and ride facility may make a positive contribution towards sustainable transport for Witney. It will help alleviate highway capacity issues locally and on the A40 on the approaches to Oxford.”

This article first appeared in the Winter 2017/18 issue of Insight.

Image copyright: Barton Willmore

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