Improved service for development sector

House builders, landowners and promoters can now benefit from a more comprehensive service delivered by a multidisciplinary team of planning, transport and infrastructure design consultants. Bedfordshire-based Armstrong Rigg Planning (ARP) is working in partnership with Motion to help bring residential and mixed-use developments to fruition.

By engaging specialist consultants on projects, ARP is helping clients gain consent for schemes. Director Geoff Armstrong has put together a team to help overcome planning challenges, from the initial appraisal up to the application stage.

Turning vision into reality
ARP’s ‘one-stop shop’ provides specialist support to help turn the vision for a scheme into reality. Geoff explains, “The main problem clients experience is how to make sense of the planning system. Nowadays, there are so many different aspects to an application and everyone has their particular view. The policy stance changes from authority to authority, and the legal process can be a minefield.”

By working in partnership with Motion, ARP can offer additional professional services such as transport and travel planning, drainage and flood risk, landscape, ecology, geotechnical, highways and infrastructure design. Motion has supported ARP with strategies for several sites which otherwise may not have been suitable for development.

This article first appeared in the Winter 2016 issue of Insight.

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