Driverless cars will alter the way towns and new developments are designed

Measures in the 2016 Queen’s Speech will allow driverless vehicles to be insured under normal policies in the UK.

The legislation means that autonomous cars will unquestionably be a feature of our roads in the future. Wider use of autonomous and driverless vehicles will greatly alter the way towns and new developments are designed. Better living environments will be created by the ability to reduce land previously taken up by road and parking spaces.

Motion Director Jerry Muscroft says, “The announcement is a considerable lift to the electric and autonomous car industry. Motion has been involved in this sector through the services we have provided to Formula E, the racing of electric-powered cars, and other industries that use the technology.”

He adds, “The organisers of Formula E have already announced that in 2016/17 they will launch a global race series for driverless electric cars. This series, called ‘ROBORACE’, will provide a competitive platform to further advance the development of autonomous vehicles.”

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