Appeal underlines need for timely resolution of transport issues
A successful appeal in West Sussex highlights the importance of resolving transport matters as early as possible in the planning application process.
Following a public inquiry, Gleeson Land was granted outline consent for 133 homes on land at the southern end of Lower Broadbridge Farm, Broadbridge Heath, bringing forward much-needed housing in the Horsham District area. Motion provided transport planning advice, from promoting the site through the Local Plan review process, liaising with the local highway authority before and after submission of the planning application, and addressing questions from two Rule 6 parties at the inquiry.
‘No basis for refusal’
Nick Keeley, Planning Manager for Gleeson Land takes up the story. “Motion adopted a very proactive working style with impressive attention to detail.” He continues, “The team benefits from having good relationships with its counterparts in highway authorities, allowing for open, straightforward dialogue about any potential issues.”
Layout © Colin Richards, Richards Urban Design Ltd
An abridged version of this article first appeared in Issue 26 of Insight