Accessing development potential

Outline planning permission has been granted for 51 new homes three miles to the east of Haywards Heath in Sussex. Resolving the scheme’s access challenges was key to Greenplan Designer Homes (Hassocks) Limited gaining consent for the development. Motion helped the developer to address access, transport and traffic-related issues, and provided additional technical input to support the case.

The land is currently occupied by a single dwelling to the west of the A272 and 400 metres south of Scaynes Hill village centre. Motion’s team of transport planners convinced West Sussex County Council that the proximity of local amenities to the proposed development would reduce the reliance on car journeys. The ‘Barn Cottage’ site is close to the primary school, social club, a service station, village hall and pub. The area also benefits from good public transport links to Haywards Heath town centre.

Valued technical advice
According to Rob Burnham of Greenplan Designer Homes, “Motion delivers a powerful blend of high quality technical advice with a deep understanding of the local planning authorities and policy environment. The team is really ‘up there’ with the very best of consultants.”

Site access is via a priority junction off the A272, which is subject to a 30mph speed restriction to the north, and 60mph to the south. Local residents expressed concerns about increased traffic on what was perceived to be a dangerous stretch of the A272. But, as Motion’s Managing Director Phil Bell explains, “close examination of the Personal Injury Accident data over the past five years revealed that road accidents were a result of driver or human error, rather than defects associated with the highway.”

Appropriate visibility for new access
Pedestrians and drivers will approach the new development from the A272 by a simple priority junction with a right-turning lane. The new access, located within the 30mph speed limit, will be approximately 30 metres to the north of the existing approach. The current access, within the 60mph speed limit, will be closed following completion of the development.

Motion’s technical notes and drawings demonstrated to the county council that horizontal visibility was not restricted on the approach to the right-turning lane. Vertical visibility was also assessed and long sections of each splay were provided, clearly showing that vertical visibility would be comfortably achieved. Phil Bell adds, “Appropriate visibility for the speed of vehicles travelling on the A272 will be accomplished in accordance with relevant guidance. The proposed access arrangements have also been subject to a Road Safety Audit.”

This article first appeared in the Summer 2017 issue of Insight.

Image copyright: OSP Architecture

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