Energy, mobility and community hubs


Renewable energy, Residential, Retail, Sports and Leisure
Development Planning, Transport Planning, Travel Planning

Advice to directly address the climate emergency agenda is being provided by Motion and energy innovator SNRG.  By planning integrated sustainable mobility and renewable energy options, the proposition will be delivered through the e-mobility, community and energy SNRG Hub, centrally located within new neighbourhoods.

SNRG Hub will provide a focus for cafes, co-working spaces, gyms, dark kitchens and other local facilities including those for later living.  Intelligent micro-grids, ‘SNRG SmartGrid’, will connect homes and businesses, renewable generation including solar panels and battery storage.  Peak network demand will be lowered, thereby reducing energy costs to the neighbourhood.

SNRG also brings long-term funding for projects to enable full commitment to the all-electric transition.  SNRG Hub will facilitate EV car clubs, e-bike and e-scooter services, and last mile delivery.  Sustainable travel will be encouraged in all its forms, as public transport services including electric buses, Park & Ride and community taxis, also benefit from its own energy generation and optimisation.

The benefits will accrue at the land, community and individual household levels.  Housebuilders will be able to focus on construction, not the underlying technology, and local communities are able to have a stake in the assets and their governance.

Energy consumption, mobility and community services will be provided through a single, easy-to-use mobile app for residents.

“Up to now, the challenge has been fragmentation; our role is to leverage existing technologies and funding to bring all partners together around the table.”

Richard Scott, SNRG Chief Design Officer and co-founder